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week eight

We are into week 8 and this working week I had a lot on. Over the entire week I worked on the new app design for Soundbrenner's email drip campaign. Since writing the guide it was easier yet still reminded me of the horrors of the last app promotion. Working with both Apple and Jules we were able to smash out the design side of things and got it done rather quickly. Also this week I worked on Indiegogo banners for the Soundbrenner Core with Per. Once again I was able to learn the business side of design which I am finding super interesting and will take back to Massey. Since being in Hong Kong for 2 months now I am in an identical route of going to work each day. On Tuesday this was broken when Zoe offered to take me to a local establishment where they service a traditional Hong Kong breakfast. Having had it already I was skeptical on getting again. We rocked up to the Australian Dairy Company (no idea why it is named after Australia) to be bluntly directed to our table. Apparently the waiters are known to be rude and I can say they do live up to this reputation. Although the food made up for it. The scramble eggs were buttery and light served with thick crispy toast ranking far higher than my first Hong Kong breakfast. After polishing off the eggs, the macaroni and spam came next. It sounds gross but being honest it isn't terrible. I definitely wouldn't take it back to New Zealand to make but whilst here it is good to get amongst Hong Kong culture.

Over the weekend it was very relaxed. I spent the majority of my time cruising around Causeway Bay shopping and skyping friends and family from home. Due to Lilians friend being in Hong Kong I said I would take them to Australian Dairy Company for breakfast. This time I wasn't going to order mac and spam or eggs but peanut butter and condensed milk on toast... On the Tuesday we went, a lady at our table was eating this and it looked AMAZING. I have been deprived of peanut butter since being here so it was exactly what I wanted. Due to the menu being all in Chinese I sent picture to work friends to see if they could translate and set us right direction. Yet something must have been lost in translation as we ended up getting french toast instead which I wasn't all mad about. I was about to dig into my french toast when the waiter whipped away my meal for no apparent reason..Hmmm why?! I soon found out that the man at our table thought I wanted condensed milk on my french toast so he told the staff. When my breakfast returned my toast was literally swimming in condensed milk and looked like diabetes on a plate. Even though it was extremely sickening and I thought my liver my give way it was quite delicious.

Week 8 has been a busy work week yet in the weekend it was very relaxed and this is what I needed. Since working long days, I need the weekends to recharge. It is crazy to think we are already 2/3 of the way through but I know the next 4 weeks will be full on getting things done before we leave!

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